Representative Previous Work
Project and Construction Management
- Pinto Valley TDRCMQA
- Carlota Copper Company PCDC Buttress CQA
- Carson Hill Gold Mine Site Characterization
- Carson Hill Gold Mine Closure and Water Treatment
- Mayflower Phases 1 & 2 Flood Control Tunnel
- Jones Pit Reclamation CQA
- Gold Gulch 1A PLS Pond Reconstruction
- McNulty OSF Expansion
- Midnite Mine CQA
- Mine Tire Dump Soil Cover Placement
- Road Crossing Pond Design and Construction
Environmental Management and Monitoring
- BHP Water Management Plan Revision
- BHP Miami-Globe Environmental Monitoring Program
- Church Rock Quivira SWPPP
- Aquifer Protection Permit Development
- GIS Technical Services Support
- Pinto Valley Potentiometric Surface Mapping
- Pinto Valley SPCC, MSGP, APP Support
- Pinto Valley Tailings Management Plan
- Pinto Valley Waste Management Plan
- Solitude Stormwater Monitoring
- Old Dominion Stormwater Monitoring
- Ray Mineral Creek Channel Inspection
- PC Watershed Seeps and Well Measurements
- Gold Gulch Repurposing APP Application
- Phase 1 and 2 Isotope Sampling
- Open Pit Lake Sampling
- Monitoring well and piezometer instrumentation
- Burch Pond Design and CQA
Geology and Hydrogeology
- BHP Exploration Drilling and Reserve Estimation
- Castle Dome Core PV2
- Copper Cities Borrow Investigation
- Miami Unit Borrow Investigation
- Jewel Hill Limestone Investigation
- Henderson Mill Groundwater Studies
- PV Deep Core Exploration and Infill Drilling
- Pinto Valley Production Wells
- Pinto Valley Pit APP Monitoring Wells
- Pinto Valley Pit Infill RC Drilling
- Carlota RC & Core Drilling
- Limestone Quarries Investigation
- Pinto Valley Production Well Exploration Planning
- Copper Mine Geochemical Evaluation
Closure and Reclamation
- Climax Closure Cost Estimating
- Henderson Closure Cost Estimating
- Jones Pit Reclamation Design
- FR 287 Spur Road Reclamation
- OD Shafts and Adits Closures
- NMC Legacy Sites Execution Plans
- OD Slag Regrade Design
- OD Channel Repair
- Pinto Valley 1-Dam Regrade and Cover Design
- Pinto Valley 4-Dam Regrade and Cover Design
- Hayden Ops Historic Tailings Reclamation Design
- Deep Pit Buttress Geotechnical Investigation
- Solitude Closure Engineering Design
- Pinal Creek Bank Stabilization
- Tri-ennial Closure Cost Provisioning
High Quality
- Miami Acid Plant Construction Staking
- Miami-Copper Cities Overland Pipeline
- Various Mine Property Boundaries
- General Contractor Construction and As-built
- Various Residential and Commercial Land Divisions
- Peak Well Access Road
- OD-CC Pipeline Mapping
- Pinto Valley No. 3 Tailings Dam Lift
- Pinto Valley Dam Crest Monitoring
- Pinto Valley SX Settlement Monitoring
- Miami Smelter Retrofit Construction Staking
- Pinto Valley Substation Easement
- Deep Pit Buttress Prism Monitoring
- SGS Burch Booster Surveying
- Various drill site, surface sampling stakeouts
- BHP Bathiometric Pit Lake Surveys
- Slope Monitoring Surveying at Various Properties
- Miami Concentrate Storage Construction Staking
- Flood Elevation Certificates
- 82 EWC Mill Site Claims & 44 Lode Claims
- Pinto Valley No. 3 Tailings Dam Prism Monitoring
- Burch Booster Pump Station Geotechnical Investigation
- No. 4 Tailings Dam Sump and Header Engineering
- Turquoise Pit Regrade Plan
- Mayflower Phase 2 Flood Control Tunnel
- Climax No. 6 Crusher Retaining Wall Remediation
- FR287 Culvert Replacement
- Gold Gulch No. 2 Pond Stormwater Evaluation
- Peeples Pond Compliance Evaluation
- Pinto Valley Solid Waste Landfill Investigation
- Pinto Valley Upper Catchment Seepage
- Southwest Energy Geotechnical Engineering
- Jumbo Dome Geotechnical Design and Permitting
- Wishbone Hill Geotechnical Design
- Two Bull/Frances Ridge Geotechnical Design
- Rosalie Geotechnical Design and Permitting
- Popovitch Geotechnical Design and Permitting
- Hayden Ops Filter Plant Septic System Design
- Gold Gulch Repurposing Engineering
- Peeples Pond Design
- CC Shop Drainage Plan Improvements
- CC Deep Pit Drainage Plan Improvements