Project and Construction Management
- PV Deep Core Exploration and Infill Drilling
- Castle Dome Core PV2
- PV Pit Infill RC Drilling
- PV Production Well Exploration Planning
- Environmental Monitoring Program
- Several Well Rehabilitation Projects
- Several Tailings Waste Dump & Open Pit Geotechnical Drilling Programs
- Geologic, Mineralogic and Strucural Molding Projects
- Geological Field Mapping
- Mine Site Characterization Projects
- Converting Underground mapping to 3D modeling
Environmental Management and Monitoring
- BHP Miami-Globe Environmental Monitoring Program
- Aquifer Protection Permit Development
- GIS Technical Services Support
- PV Potentiometric Surface Mapping
- PV, APP Support
- Solitude Stormwater Monitoring
- Old Dominion Stormwater Monitoring
- Ray Mineral Creek Channel Inspection
- PC Watershed Seeps and Well Measurements
- Phase 1 and 2 Isotope Sampling
- Open Pit Lake Sampling at Surface and Depth
- Monitoring well and piezometer instrumentation
Geology and Hydrogeology
- BHP Exploration Drilling and Reserve Estimation
- Copper Cities Borrow Investigation
- Miami Unit Borrow Investigation
- Jewel Hill Limestone Investigation
- PV Production Wells
- PV Pit APP Monitoring Wells
- Carlota RC & Core Drilling
- Limestone Quarries Investigation
- PV Production Well Exploration Planning
- Copper Mine Geochemical Evaluation
- PV JETTI Plant Start-Up and Operation
- Geologic, Mineralogic and Strucural Molding Projects
- Several Well Rehabilitation Projects
- Miami Acid Plant Construction Staking
- Miami-Copper Cities Overland Pipeline
- Various Mine Property Boundaries
- General Contractor Construction and As-built
- Various Commercial Land Divisions
- OD-CC Pipeline Mapping
- PV No. 3 Tailings Dam Lift
- PV Dam Crest Monitoring
- PV SX Settlement Monitoring
- PV Substation Easement
- Deep Pit Buttress Prism Monitoring
- SGS Burch Booster Surveying
- Various drill site, surface sampling stakeouts
- BHP bathymetry Pit Lake Surveys
- Slope Monitoring Surveying at Various Properties
- Flood Elevation Certificates